A letter to my younger Self


Dear 13 year old me,

You’re one of the quiet ones, you prefer books to real life people. You spend a lot of time in your room. This isn’t a bad thing. You still have the friends you grew up with, to them you’re Nerdy Spice. They all shave their legs, have done for a while. They all have boyfriends and stay up till after midnight. Mum won’t even let you near the tweezers and you have an 8 o’clock bedtime.

You’re embarrassed that you have a bed time. When your friends call and Dad tells them you’re in bed, you have to explain it away with a stomach bug the next morning, on the walk to school. But those 8 hours of sleep are a god-send. It gives your body the time to re-boot, time for your hormones to untangle.

Although, now at 25 years old, I crave early nights and those blessed 8 hours are essential. Without them I’m a cranky pants.

Remember when you used to call your friends during that 13th summer, let’s go swimming! No. Why? Because all of your friends had ‘that time of the month’. You were so upset because you didn’t have boobs, or hairy armpits, or a period.

In desperation, you cried to mum, “I’m never going to get my period, I’m going to be the last girl ever to get them!” You felt so left out and mum calmed you down, and said in a quiet voice, “When your periods start, you’ll wish you never got them.”

Listen to mum. She’s like Gandhi. Do not scoff at her rules, jokes, or words of wisdom. Mum knows what she’s talking about & she’s right.

You will hate your periods, boobs get in the way and shaving becomes a full time job but without a pay day.

You will put a lot of pressure on yourself on your journey through secondary school. You will never meet your expectations, but you have to realise that you have already made Mum and Dad so proud. They are proud that your Parents’ Evenings go well, your grades are good and they are grateful they don’t have to worry about you causing trouble on the streets at night. They can trust you to make good choices and to do your best in everything.

Be thankful that Mum and Dad are strict parents and that they love you enough to use rules to mould you into a better person. In another 10 years when you’re living on your own in Northampton, you’ll be glad that Dad taught you about Online Banking and made sure you are street-wise. You’ll be grateful that you spent time babysitting your little brother and sister because it taught you responsibility. Be grateful that Dad taught you about money and that you have to work hard and save for things that you want. Thank Mum for teaching you compassion, for being a shining example of a good-heart.

Over the next few years, you will meet amazing people. Some you will keep with you forever and some you will lose as they go their own way. Life takes everyone in different directions. Learn everything you can from these people, how they influence you and the impact they have on your life. You can learn so much from people.

You will push yourself and set expectation that you are never able to achieve. Learn to love who you are. There are some tough times coming up and you need to be strong.

You will meet bullies, exams, heartbreak, fall-outs with friends and fall-outs with parents. You will move 90miles away from everything you know & everyone you love. Be outgoing, meet people, try new things.

Don’t try to micro-manage everything. It’s OK not to have a plan. Don’t rush into adulthood and force yourself into a life you’re not ready for. Everything doesn’t have to happen right now. Be patient

(No, I haven’t cracked Patience yet, but I’m trying)

Alas, you will have to kiss a few toads before you marry your prince. Open your heart to love. When you find it, it’ll take your breath away. This love will not be an easy one, and you will face some tough situations, but he’s so worth it. He’s exactly right for you, the man you pictured when you read all mum’s Danielle Steel novels. You have found your best friend. He is the other half of your soul and he loves you irrevocably and completely.

When you take a tumble, be it due to illness or lack of judgement, remember that anything worth having is never easy. Have the conviction to stand back up.

You will experience hurt and pain and defeat and there is no avoiding this, but know that you are a strong. No matter how alone you may feel in those dark days, know that people love you. They will shoulder this hurt with you and it is OK to let them for it is too heavy for you to carry alone. Acknowledge this early, before it breaks you.

Do not let sadness bind your personality and drain you but hold fast to who you are. Do not let pain change you, try and stay soft. Stand strong against the regret and bitterness that will taint your caring nature. Keep striving to be a good person.

Your sensitivity is a gift and it allows you to connect with people on an emotional level. You have empathy and understanding, which people will lean on. Do not be afraid to cry, crying is not a sign of weakness. It shows that you care enough about something and you’re willing to break trying to get it.

Be confident enough to laugh at yourself. It’s OK to be weird.

Never apologise for being who you are. Stay cool.

From your 25 year old Self   xo




What do I pack for Surgery?

So you’re booked in for surgery, do you need to take anything?

Normally, a straight-forward laparoscopy would be done as a day-case.

However, there is always a chance you may have to stay overnight. Be like a boy scout, be prepared. Just-in-case. You won’t want to be without your comforts if an extended stay should happen.


New items I’ll buy closer to the operation date:

  • Buy new pyjamas – a really comfy, bright coloured, awesome pyjama set. Make sure it’s loosing fitting and the bottoms have a soft elastic waist.
  • New pyjamas need new slippers – try and get a pair with a firm rubber sole with grips as you’ll be expected to wear slippers down to the operating theatre/prep room.


**On the day – wear comfortable clothes. Plan what clothes you’ll be travelling home in, trousers needs to be loose fitting, soft waistband.**


You’ll need:

  • Any paperwork from the hospital that is relevant to the surgery
  • Any regular medications
  • PJs, slippers & dressing gown.
  • A few pairs of Pants – I don’t mean the mini lace pair or the Ann Summers special – I mean 100% cotton briefs from Marks & Sparks. Full coverage, comfy, not tight.
  • Socks
  • Clean t-shirt – loose fitting
  • Soft crop top / wireless bra
  • Baby wipes/Face wipes – all make-up has to be taken off for the operation.
  • Shower gel, toothbrush/toothpaste, deodorant, brush – the usual stuff
  • A few Tampax/pads – just in case.
  • Heat pad
  • Headphones, phone charger, book/kindle/magazine
  • Bottle of water/drink – for after the surgery


Also, be aware – you will not be allowed to have jewellery on during the surgery. If you prefer to keep your wedding ring on, the nurse might have to put a plaster/surgical tape around it.





Endo Gone, You’re Strong! playlist

So the operation went without a hitch. You’ve been mooching around the house in a bed, sofa, bath, bed loop for 2 weeks now. You’ve eaten all the treats, slept for 4000hours straight & finished all the movies on Netflix.

The time for moping & feeling sorry for yourself is over. You might not be ready to greet the world or return to work just yet, but nothing is stopping you giving yourself a shake.

I have put together a Spotify Playlist that makes me feel brighter and motivates me and triggers more positive thinking. It makes me want to be happier, to get up & make things, do things.  So use take your pain & broken body and turn it into something awesome.

Give the playlist a listen & let me know what you think.

Listen here: Endo Gone, You’re Strong. What’s the worst that could happen?

The worst thing?

Your neighbour could catch you dancing freaky to George Michael in a top-knot and a nightie. The nightie has tea stains down the front & your legs have about 2 months worth of growth. Oh! And you also have marmalade on your cheek. SO-WHAT!

Smile, be freaky and OWN IT 🤘🏻


A xo



How do I prepare for surgery?

So I’m booked in for some surgery later on this month. This will be my second laparoscopy in 2 years.

The first I had done at Kings Mill hospital, my gynae found severe endometriosis when he did the surgery, he had to free up my ovaries as they had adhered to my pelvis, and free the lesions in the abdomen cavity. I had 4 little cuts, like plots on a map, all with dissolvable stitches in. I remember coming round from the general anaesthetic, and the first thing I felt was pain, like someone was holding my ovaries in their fist. I was given pain relief, post-op advice and my husband was allowed to take me home.

I hurt for about a week, falling in and out of tramadol-induced sleep, not really eating and feeling very sorry for myself. I’d told myself this surgery would cure me. Unfortunately, my Endosisters and I know that this is not the case. There will be no easy fix, no cure.


A few months later, after trying different contraception treatments and seeing little improvement, I moved to a different GP surgery. I’d been told that this new GP worked at a women’s ward in Sheffield & specialised in gynae problems. Result. The Doc referred me straight to a fertility specialist at BMI Thornbury Hospital, in Sheffield.

Things were looking  up. I had received more help in 2 GP appointments than I’d had in 9 m0nths of hospital admissions.

After a  6-month course of zoladex injections; it was time to start trying for a baby. I stopped the injections and a little over a month later, my period was back. And she brought the pain with her.

It took 2 cycles before my pain was beyond self-management. I went to the hospital and had an ultrasound scan, only to find that I had a substantial endometrioma (or cyst) attached to both ovaries. Once again, I headed back to the consultant, who was on the ball and scheduled the surgery.

Now we’re all on the same page…

Before surgery there are a few things I like to do or items I buy that make recovery a little easier. This is how I prepare for surgery:

Do a grocery shop a couple of days before the day of the operation. Make sure to get foods that you know you like (these may not necessarily be healthy). Easy to prepare meals are also a good idea. I always get a few cartons of good soup & some crusty bread. This is a good way to get nutrients in. I always get smiley faces and chicken nuggets or dippers for the freezer- I know I have the diet of a toddler, but I don’t care. Get spreads or sandwich fillers for a quick bite. I get jam and peanut butter. Another of my essentials is sweet potatoes. Roast it in the oven, cut the skin off, fork through & it’s a beaut mash. Get some bottles of water, flavoured or sparkling. Bottles you can keep in the fridge or have next to the bed – keep hydrated. Oh! and you can have treats – you’ve just had invasive surgery.  If you want a whole packet of biscuits with your cuppa’ tea – you can! Buy treats.

Whilst you’re at the supermarket, stock up on essentials like Paracetamol, Ibuprofen, senna & Tampax/pads etc. A lot of the pain meds cause constipation and trust me, that’s the last thing you need when you’ve got holes in your stomach. Make sure you have plenty of provisions, but don’t worry ‘cos if you’ve got a hubs like mine, he’ll be more than happy to do a McDonald’s run.

Try to do all your laundry so it doesn’t pile up too bad when you’re in recovery. Also wash your bedding. Put a fresh set on the bed the morning of or night before your surgery. Nothing beats getting into fresh bedding. SNUG!

Also make sure you get a few books or magazines. I usually have a pile of books that are on my ‘To-Be-Read’ list. Get some bath bombs – you won’t be able to use these until your wounds have completely healed, so when they have you’ll be ready. Get cleansing face wipes/gentle face mask as medications always cause break outs for me. I always make sure I’ve got a few heat pads, just in case, this way you can avoid a scalding with a hot water bottle. Grab a couple of extra pillows too! You’re going to be uncomfortable. Make a nest.

If you’re anything like me, your Dr knows you well and is up to date with your situation. It might be an idea to book an appointment or call in the week before to order any regular prescriptions for pain relief so you have it all ready at home for when you’re discharged. Some times the hospital send you home with only enough for 2 doses. Be realistic with your medication & honest about how bad your pain is.

The week before, spend some time thinking about the surgery, what impact this will have on your body, try and relax. DON’T look up the procedure on the internet. DON’T watch videos of laparoscopy on YouTube. Do things you enjoy, have some ‘me-time’. Maybe visit family or friends, as it could be a week before you’re up for leaving the house. If you’re nervous or have any concerns DON’T bottle it up, talk things through with someone, or call the hospital for reassurance.

The day before surgery, shave everywhere you normally shave. This includes tweezing anything that needs to be tweezed. You could obviously do this the morning of, but my skin tends to be a bit sore/dry after shaving and I don’t want to be any more uncomfortable than I have to be. Also remove all your nail varnish -it’s a big no-no for the op.

Night before, pack a small holdall with essentials. Even if the hospital says it’s a day-case surgery and you’re planning on coming home, still take this bag. You don’t want to have to wear a hospital gown if you’re forced to stay overnight. I’ll be writing another post about what I take with me.

Make sure you’re aware what time you have to stop food and drink intake – this should be on a letter from your surgeon. If you’re not sure, call your specialist well in advance to check. This is important! If you eat past a certain time, you’ll not be allowed to have the surgery.

On the day, wear comfortable clothes, and RELAX.

Please look out for my “What do I pack for surgery?” post.

A xo



My latest tough time

Opening my eyes this morning, I couldn’t understand how I could still feel tired, exhausted even though I’ve spent the majority of the last few days sleeping. It’s a tiredness bone deep and unrelenting. It makes the most simplest of tasks so daunting. Showering, dressing, even eating is hard lately.

I have become somewhat of a pro at masking the pain. It’s much easier to respond to “how are you feeling?” with I’m fine. Living with a chronic condition means I will never get better. I will have better days and awful days but it will never truly disappear. Endometriosis has no cure. I’ve come to terms with what I have, with the restriction my illness puts on my life. But I still have tough times. I’ve had a tough time recently…

My pain has been everyday for the past 2 weeks. I am not bleeding. I have a substantial cyst behind my uterus attached to my ovaries. I have visited my specialist. I am waiting for an operation to have it removed. The surgery is my second in as many years. This surgery will tell my husband and I where we stand with fertility. That in itself is a nerve-wracking notion. My dreams for children could be dashed in a single day. But with my husband holding my hand, I’m ready to face whatever happens. I am waiting for this surgery with anxiety and restlessness. It almost feels like the 20th September will never come.

Before I can reach that hurdle though, I am blindsided by a different fear. Over the past 2 weeks I have struggled to eat, to live- I have had to take medication everyday just to function and to have relief from the pain. Looking at my calendar today, I froze as I counted down the days to my next period. I’m due on tomorrow. If I’m barely holding on now, barely keeping it together, what will the pain be like once I start bleeding? Thinking about it now, my throat feels tight, sore, like when you scream and your voice breaks and becomes hoarse. My hands are shaking as I write this. I could cry at any moment and I’m forced to take deep breaths.

I keep telling myself: I can do this. This is happening to me because I’m strong enough to handle it. I can do this. This becomes a mantra in my mind as I lay in bed, falling in and out of sleep.

I am putting this down on paper- my sisters who are struggling with this, pushing for a diagnosis, at breaking point do not feel alone. I understand your struggle, I know your pain is real and frightening, you are not alone. I am getting this out, because if I keep it any longer I will scream it out loud. It’s alright to be angry. It’s OK not to be OK, it’s OK to be scared, to cry, to feel low. It’s exhausting trying to keep it together all the time.

When Occupational Health called me; to check I’m really ill, they asked how I live my life. They asked about my mood, asked if I’ve ever self harmed or thought of suicide, I shouldn’t feel I have to lie. I shouldn’t feel ashamed to admit that I have had low times in my life, caused by my illness. I know what it sounds like, telling them that I can’t do the basic of tasks when I’m mid-flare. I shouldn’t feel guilty that I rely a lot on my husband. I shouldn’t feel guilty for taking the time to rest. My body is at war with itself- every day.

I refuse to apologise for being unwell. 

A woman with Endometriosis has a difficult life. The constant fear of getting her period. When taking pain relief becomes a necessity. Finding out that it will be harder for her to conceive because of the scar tissue and adhesions, made worse by the surgeries she had to have to remove the endometriosis. The tension in her husband as he watches his wife in agony, in hospital, he feels helpless. The side effects of the hormone treatments she tried to get some relief. A teenage girl who hates her body for being broken. A 24 year old who has been put through menopause chemically. The look of confusion on an employer’s face when she explains she’s not physically able to do her job. Worry and fear when she opens the final demand notices, as Statutory Sick Pay isn’t enough to cover her bills. Having to pay for her prescription with a credit card because there’s no money in the bank. A husband holding his wife in the bathroom as she cries over another negative pregnancy test.

But these women are strong, resilient and compassionate people. Their hardships bless them with the gift to listen and understand. These woman are brave, because when they are broken and have every reason to give in, they will carry on. These women will cry themselves to sleep and get up the next day, ready for the next thing.

Since I have struggled with this illness, I have shocked myself at my ability to keep going, to keep pushing myself, to keep smiling- even when there was no reason to. I have met some truly inspirational women, all over the world, who have shared their story with me and it has made me so grateful to be part of such a sisterhood. These women have taken the time, pushed aside their own suffering, to help others. While I hate my illness and have rough times, I believe I was given this condition because I am strong enough to bear it, and if I can ease others’ suffering, I will do so. Every time.


I hope you’re having a ‘good pain day’, thinking of you all. 

A xo


Goodbye Zoladex

In March this year, after 6 months of zoladex injections, I decided to stop the treatment.

It was finally baby time. I bought packs and packs of pre-conception vitamins, I upped my daily water intake, I got the Ovia fertility app for my iPhone.

The first bleed didn’t come for about a month after I expected it. My menopausal symptoms; hot sweats, mood swings, seemed to fade away until I suddenly noticed they’d gone.

That first bleed though- eugh! it was horrid. I had fully prepared for it, mentally, physically and practically. I’d booked the week off, I’d stocked up on monthly essentials, painkillers, heat pads and comfort food. The cramping pains were as severe as before the zoladex but the bleeding seemed to have gotten a little better, not as heavy at least!

I bounced back much quicker than I’d expected to though. The day after I stopped bleeding, I felt relatively normal, if not a little bewildered. Had I done the right thing stopping the injections? How long would it take to get pregnant? 

The second month, I had my blood taken and tested for hormone levels. It looked like my ovaries were back to normal, I had ovulated. Ovulated? As in, there could be a baby? What?! 

I was like a crazy person, counting the days, knicker checking and when my period never came I was beside myself-excited. My GP said if I hadn’t come on, to take a test.

Now girls, I have never had to take a test before as I’ve always been super careful and obviously never planned a pregnancy, so I’ll admit I was a little anxious about it. I stood in the middle of Boots holding the Clear Blue Pregnancy test and the Boots one, a confused frown crinkling my forehead. Which one is more likely to give me a positive result? Now, I know this is ridiculous, but at this point I’m beyond reason. It gets worse…

I had to read the instructions! Hilarious! How hard is peeing on a stick?! But you want everything to go right,  and as I waited 3 minutes for the little lines to show up, my anxiety tripled.

My husband had to read it and tell me. Negative.

Yet no period? Odd. I rang the GP and he said to wait 48 hours and then try again. I’m not a patient person but that was the longest 48 hours ever. But I did it, not without a grumble of course. Still negative.

2 hours after my test, I started bleeding. My body hates me and is taunting me. But, I shook it off and put on my positive pants.

After this fiasco, I decided to get rid of the Ovulation app on my phone, I decided to stop reading all the fertility tips online, I decided to stop calendar-watching. If this is going to happen, it’s going to happen faster when I’m not stressing and obsessing about it.

I’m 4 months without the zoladex treatment. The periods aren’t nice, but I’m ready for them and I’ve learned to pick myself up afterwards. I’m strong enough to manage this- I have to be if I want to have a baby. Trying to conceive is difficult but going through this with Endometriosis forever in the back of my mind is so disheartening. It’s like: the despair of not being pregnant isn’t hard enough, here’s some physical agony to go with it.

The truth is; there are no more treatment options for me, the Zoladex proved that. The end game is a Hysterectomy. I know this and have accepted it.

The fact is- I need to have a baby. And when we eventually do, our baby will be the most longed for and the most loved in all the world. (Yes, I know every parent says this…) 

My thoughts are with those couples trying to conceive, you get a hi-5 ‘cos I know how much the waiting game sucks.

Much love

A xo


I love a Sunday Dinner. My favourite is roast chicken and stuffing. I love a full English breakfast or anything with bacon. And so it is with much resentment that I fill you in on the past week…

I have tried several options of treatment and I have struggled to cope with either side effects or the fact that they just don’t work. And so after reading up on Endometriosis in Dian Shepperson Mills’ book , I’ve research some lifestyle changes that could help reduce flare ups.

In Endometriosis: A Key to Healing And Fertility Through Nutrition, the author describes how food and nutrition can help illness and improve fertility. 

I have also researched the Endo Diet. This diet suggests cutting out foods which trigger or cause inflammation. I struggle enough with inflammation of their internal organs/reproductive system so if there’s anything I can do to improve things- I’m up for it!

What are inflammatory foods?

Meat (especially red and processed meats)

Processed and packaged foods
Gluten, white bread, and wheat
Dairy products
Fried foods

It does just say red meats and it does say that organic meat is better, but I’ve decided to cut meat out of my diet completely. If I’m doing this, I’m doing it right!

Now this was hard. My husband is an enthusiastic carnivore and sticks to the view that “a meal’s not a meal without meat“. Well, we haven’t divorced yet. I’ve just substituted the meat products with extra veg/salad or a vegetarian product. Linda McCartney’s vegetarian range is de-lish BTW! 

Anyway…as I was worried about changing my diet so drastically, I’ve opted to eat eggs and fish. I try to get the organic/free-range/line caught variety just as an added conscience boost.

After a week, I’m not starving. I still eat 2-3 meals a day (I’m terrible for missing breakfast!) So far I feel a less lethargic and not as nauseous after every meal. Below are some of the meals I’ve had this week…




This book also states that too much dairy, heat and refined sugar can cause flare ups – but as a confessed Sweet Tooth, I refuse to give up my desserts just yet. Baby steps…


A xo


In March we wear Yellow


March is Endometriosis awareness month. This month endo sufferers all over the world are trying to raise awareness of endometriosis and hopefully help people to recognize the symptoms sooner rather than later.

This month I have made bracelets (shown above) and I am selling as many as I can in order to raise money for Worldwide Endometriosis Research Foundation. I am having a bake sale at work. I am hoping that my contribution will bring them a little bit closer to reducing the average diagnosis time down from 7 years.

On 19th March, women in the UK will travel to London to meet with other women with the condition. They will don their yellow t-shirts, raise  their banners and march through the city, raising the question “What is Endometriosis?” This is good. We want people to ask about it, to be curious, we want young girls to know that agonising period pain is not normal, that it’s ok to ask the doctor about it.

I’m just doing my bit…

in march we wear yellow.


A xo

A year on… My Endo Diary

A year ago today, on my birthday, I was diagnosed with Endometriosis, after 11 months of agonising pain, hospital visits and despair.

I naively thought that this diagnosis would bring a ray of light through the fog that was pain medication, absence from work and illness. I thought that with a definitive diagnosis, I would be led, hand in hand, towards a ‘cure’ or efficient treatment. I thought the “We’ll give this a go” attitude towards my healthcare would cease and a lightbulb moment would precede a concrete plan to recovery.

I was wrong.

It has taken a lot of energy, all of myself, to get to where I am today. It has felt like a never-ending path of painkillers, contraceptive treatment and doctor’s appointments.

Since being diagnosed, I have registered with a new GP Practice. I now see a GP Dr regularly who actually specialises in this area of women’s health. I have been referred to a new specialist, one of seems to understand where I’m coming from and empathises with just how debilitating this illness is! I have tried several different methods of pain relief. A short list looks something like this; Tramadol, Diclofenac, Naproxen, Oramorph, Co-codamol.

Thanks to a fellow Endo sufferer who I found on Twitter, I requested a prolonged release Tramadol, which seems to have less side effects which means I can at least try to have a normal day.

After I had my surgery, I was advised to try and prevent the endometriosis from growing back and the best way to do this is hormone treatment in the form of conttraceptives like the pill etc. I started the Depo Provera injection in February 2015 – I went from generally ok to suicidal in 2 weeks. I didn’t have a second injection.

I visited my consultant, the surgeon who did my laparoscopy. He suggested trying the Cerazette pill. (You will notice, there’s not a lot of confidence behind the treatment suggestions at this point.) This progesterone only pill didn’t work. I bled irregularly, for days at a time, heavily. I was in pain everyday. I ended up back in hospital. A doctor in hospital implied I was seeking stronger drugs- I was  not dependent on drugs- I was in pain every single day. I was exhausted, drawn and no longer recognized myself.

I was referred to Pain Management. I had acupuncture a couple of times and a woman spoke to me about mindfulness and breathing techniques. How is breathing supposed to help me? I resented this. I couldn’t focus my thoughts for more than a few minutes, how was I supposed to focus and meditate? I was discharged shortly after starting this course, following 2 missed appointments due to absence. I was ill and couldn’t get out of bed.

I was miserable. I couldn’t live a normal life, my job suffered, my marriage suffered and the doctors were supposed to help me, supposed to know where to go from here.

This is when I changed doctors. I stopped taking the pill. Why take something that clearly wasn’t working? My consultant decided it was best to discharge me if I wasn’t willing to take the pill he’d suggested.

My new Dr referred me to an IVF specialist in Sheffield, and prescribed me pain relief that reflected how strong the pain was. He understood.

My new consultant wanted to start me on a hormone impant injection; Zoladex. I was hesitant about this as I’d read online that there were a lot of side effects. But I was at the end of the line, running out of options.  I had the injections, they hurt, and my post-zoladex bleed was horrendous but I haven’t had a period in 3 months. I haven’t had pain in 3 months. THREE. MONTHS.

Don’t get me wrong, I’ve had discomfort, I’ve had bad side effects, but it’s the lesser of 2 evils.

Today, on my 25th birthday, I’m living my life, I’m working, I can live and love and laugh, again. It’s been a long, long road, and there’s only more to come.

I can only thank my family, friends for all their support and kindness over this last year. Thank you for understanding, I can only say sorry for my absence these past 2 years, my new year’s resolution is to attempt to make amends and reconnect this year.

My husband has been so, so supportive. He’s been my rock and full of understanding and patience. I don’t know what I’d have done without him, I’ve been so lucky.


And finally, to my new GP and specialist consultant. You have restored my faith in the NHS. I’m very grateful.


Then, my 24th birthday



Now, my 25th birthday

Now, my 25th birthday


A xo